
Our Products

As the leading electronic payment solution provider, UTA will help you find the optimal processing solutions to enhance your cash flow and eliminate processes that are inefficient by offering cost-effective products to manage your receivables and customer payments.

We Love Numbers

Today, thousands of prominent companies and industry leaders rely on UTA as their payment solution provider.

11 Million

Average Annualized
# of Transactions

$34 Billion

Average Annualized Volume


Average Check Approval Rates


Average Customer Retention Rate

Industry Leader

Understanding your needs is an important component to finding the right payment solutions that work smarter for your business and harder for your money.

This is why some of the largest companies in these industries rely on UTA for payment processing.

Auto Dealers (% of Top 20 companies)


Building Material (% of Top 20 companies)


Furniture (% of Top 20 companies)


Electrical Distributors (% of Top 20 companies)


HVHC/Plumbing (% of Top 20 companies)

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Our Clients

What Our Clients Have To Say

American Furniture Warehouse

American Furniture Warehouse

We have been doing business with UTA since 2004. They do everything they can and more to accommodate our check guarantee needs at a rate that rivals any competitor. UTA works very well with our customized payment system and does an outstanding job."

El Dorado Furniture

El Dorado Furniture

UTA is one company that follows through with what they promise. Our electronic transactions are delivered on time every time, Guaranteed!"

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The Future of B2B Payments in the US: Embracing Technological Advancements

The Future of B2B Payments in the US: Embracing Technological Advancements

The business-to-business (B2B) payments landscape in the United States has significantly transformed over the past few decades. From the days of paper-based, error-prone, and manual processes to the current era of automated, fast, and streamlined digital transactions, the B2B payments terrain has evolved dramatically.

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Simplify Your Payment Process with UTA's Payment Request Links

Simplify Your Payment Process with UTA's Payment Request Links

In today's fast-paced business environment, streamlining operations is crucial. One of the most significant pain points for businesses is managing and collecting payments. UTA’s new Payment Request Links service is designed to address this issue, offering a seamless, efficient, and secure way to handle payments.

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Department Update - May

Department Update - May

Bidding Farewell to Michael Williams and Welcoming Matt Fluegge

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